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Industrial Testing laboratory and Consulting House (ITL&CH) was established in the year of 1995 and is engaged in providing analytical services & consultancy. ITL&CH has experienced and well trained analytical professional to offers high quality services from a fully equipped state-of –art analytical laboratory. ITL&CH has been built on the core values of honesty, integrity, fairness, and loyalty to employees and clients that further assent to accomplish our goals. The laboratory provides a 24hr on call service to ensure that the client's needs are met in a timely manner. Industrial Testing laboratory & Consulting House is able to provide faster and timely services to the facility offered by other laboratory located in the region. ITL&CH delivers timely, unbiased quality test results as per national and international test standards by maintaining a high level of professionalism in laboratory practices. This shall be achieved through developing a transparent system as per the requirement of accreditation authority, consistent test methods, teamwork and involvement of employees to strive to achieve customer satisfaction.
Our focus is to provide prompt, accurate and reliable testing and consultancy services at affordable costs
Industrial testing laboratory & consulting house (ITL&CH) is committed to provide prompt, reliable and accurate testing services meeting the requirement of our customers. ITL&CH is committed to good professional practices, meeting the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and also strive for continual improvement of management system and technical services. ITL&CH ensures that the testing personnel familiarize with the quality documentation and implement the policies and procedures in their work.
The Management of Industrial Testing laboratory & Consulting House works in a collaborative way for sustainable developments in management & protection of environment. ITL&CH recognize that our greatest asset is our employees. Our management philosophy is committed to provide growth and development opportunities for all employees committed to fulfilling the Company's vision, and for continuous improvement in quality, processes and instrumental capability.